27 Apr Legislative Update ESSB 5320
Legislative Update ESSB 5320 , a bill creating additional pathways for trainees, military, and out of state electricians to become certified electricians was signed into law by Gov. Jay Inslee on April 14.
Here is what the bill does:
- Until July 1, 2026, Section 2 of the bill allows trainees to work without registering in an apprenticeship if the trainees have 3,000 hours of experience working in the electrical construction trade or completed a two-year training school program before July 1, 2023. Trainees with fewer than 3000 hours worked before July 1, 2026, must be registered apprentices if performing work limited to (01) electricians. To qualify for an (01) journey level examination under this allowance, the department must receive candidate examination applications and supporting documentation before July 1, 2026.
- Section 1 of the bill makes permanent the temporary provisions in recently amended WAC 296-46B-945 that allow out of state and military electricians to qualify for an (01) journey level examination without completing an apprenticeship.
Learn more: www.lni.wa.gov/ElectricalApprenticeship